Sunday, October 21, 2012


After talking to a local lady who had taken an interest in Missy Moo, we moved on to pick up one more geocache at King's Cove Lighthouse.  Not a quick grab, we hiked out to the lighthouse through a grassy meadow, but then we trudged over a partially washed out, suitable-only-for-Jeeps trail.  I thought we might save ourselves by taking an alternate route back - wrong! We had to backtrack to the Roadtrek.

  Up to this point in our trip, we had no problem finding a place for the night. I, however, failed to realize there was no campground in Bonavista; there was one 7 miles out of town, but we didn't want to move on just yet.  A young girl at the Visitor's Center told us to just go out to "the cape" and park  there for the night.  The small, municipal park overlooking the rocky cape was perfect! We were all set to visit the lighthouse the next morning.

 Hiking out across the rocky landscape to find a geocache we were stopped in our tracks while watching a wary lady fox and her two kits who make their home among the rocks near the lighthouse.

I'd been satisfied just seeing the fox and her kits, but on the other side of the lighthouse on a rocky island just offshore we discovered our first puffin.  Maybe hundreds had found a place to burrow and care for their young, but a bit too far for my Nikon Coolpix to get a good picture.  It didn't matter; I was thrilled to see puffins at last!

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