Thursday, April 16, 2009

The cruising dream

Just do it! Follow Your Dreams... Driving home from work or waking up at 3 am in the morning, the catch phrases rang through my ears. Did I have what it would take? Could I sell it all, stuff myself and my husband in a 36' sailboat and untie the lines to what most would consider a very secure, predictable life in the Midwest? Ten years later and well over 20,000 miles under our keel, I guess the real answer to the question is "yes." The initial apprehension and fears might have taken longer to disappear than I would have liked, but somehow I've forgotten (well, not quite forgotten) most of the sleepless nights and knotted stomach that would not go away. Now I dream of the crystal clear waters of Georgian Bay, the sight of sailing past the Statue of Liberty, the depth of the blue water in the Gulf Stream, the pink sands of Harbour Island in Eleuthera and th Bayou Castine in Mandeville, Louisana. And, I could just go on and on. I just think I will.

1 comment:

Debbie Shoultz said...

I finally found it--a great start!